In Tough Times - Where Ever You Are God Is
2025 New Year Greetings
This article delivers New Year greetings and discusses initiating the new year with a refreshed mindset and objectives.
When facing the time of difficulty and brokenness, you must choose to focus on this—wherever you are, God is. When you are facing tough times, and trying to sort out the frustrating puzzles of life with its many shapes, angles and pieces that do not seem to fit anywhere, look at what King Solomon said. He observed that there is a time for everything! Yes, there is a time for everything. It is time to focus on God and His promises.
Trust In God
It is important to not allow your present circumstances or your difficulties determine your trust in God. He is with you when you are facing pain, weakness as well as when you are enjoying the good times. When the storms are raging in your life remember Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. Peter walked on the water in the storm as long as he kept his focus on Jesus. It was only when he started to focus on the storm and the raging winds that he began to sink. In the midst of sinking, he cried out to the Lord and Jesus reached out His hand and caught him.
When you seem to be sinking in the ocean of life, cry out to the Lord and allow him to catch you. Sometimes He calms the storm, and sometimes He calms His child. In other words, God calms the storm, commands the storm to be still and at the same time He gives peace to His child. It is important to realize that faith is not based on your feelings or your emotions. Faith is a choice to think and act on what God says is true, not on any passive response to your circumstances. This might happen quickly or it might not happen quickly. Like everything else faith requires practice to grow and become strong. Faith comes from God’s Word (the Holy Bible), illumined by His Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.
A myth is going around among some people claiming that if you follow God’s purpose that there will be no pain or disappointment – just a smooth sailing through life – only good times. This myth continues because some people want to believe it. However, this is not what the Bible says about life on this earth!
God’s Love
The truth is this – God provided a perfect life in the Garden of Eden but because of Adam and Eve disobeying God and man’s choice to sin, we live in a fallen world which opened the consequences of sin to mankind. God loved us so much that He gave His only son, Jesus Christ to redeem mankind back to God. Consider this truth, despite all the myths and all the false wishes of some people, Jesus said, in this world people will have tribulation and trouble in many ways. God tells you in His Holy Bible that His presence is with you everywhere. He is always present with you regardless of where you are! He also tells you in Psalm 139, that He is familiar with all your ways. He knows all your thoughts and what you are going to say before you speak.
His love for you is so powerful that He will guide you and hold you in His hands in the dark places in your life and will be a light in the darkness. You are to be dependent upon Him, bring your challenges to Him and allow God to help you, guide you, heal and comfort you. Only God knows what is in your heart. He is the greatest doctor at removing all the worthless things from you by renewing and restoring His valuable purpose and the dream that He placed in you from the beginning of time! No matter how desperate your situation, God promised to help who ever calls upon Him.
People deal with tough times, pain, wounds and a broken-heart differently. It takes time for emotional pain and wounds to heal. And that time frame is different for different people. It might not be a quick fix. It is best to take one step at a time. God gave you emotions when He created you and He will give you grace when you need it.
Practical Application
Think about these practical steps when you are trying to sort out the frustrating puzzles of life in the midst on your journey to healing.
1. The first step is to know that pain is pain. All pain hurts no matter what the situation you experience. Everyone will experience difficulty at some time. Tough times usually have one thing in common – pain mentally, physically and emotionally for most people. Tell yourself the truth! Identify your primary feeling. How do you really feel? What are you feeling on the inside?
2. Secondly, you cannot change the past – but you can change how you handle what happens to you. How you handle what happens to you will help you move toward healing without the wounds or tough times controlling your life. Tell yourself the truth! What truth? God’s truth!
You are constantly talking to yourself in your mind. Self-talk helps you know that you can’t change what happened, but you do not have to become a victim of what happen. You have the power to choose how you think. How you think influences how you handle life. The Bible says, “As a man thinks, so is he.” Words have power. The words you speak to yourself in your mind will shape your perceptions and emotions. So, give yourself a positive pep talk session.
You must stop your negative self-talk. Words have power, even the words you say to yourself. Ephesians 4: 29, says that you should speak only good words that build up, encourages, and to edify yourself and others. Let God transform your mind and develop you into a new person by changing the way you think. Positive self-talk can help pull you out of despair.
A good sense of humor will also help you. Someone said that laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart. How you handle what happens, involves seeking help from other people that can be trusted, true friends, a minister or a certified Christian Counselor. In tough times or any time, pride is not your friend so kick the pride out the door. Be true to yourself and God. Remember that Jesus is a friend who walks in when the world has walked out.
In the time of brokenness, facing pain and weakness, it is natural to feel numb, depressed, hurt and disappointed. It is also natural to search for the meaning of it all. As a human being you will not understand everything and have the answers to all of life’s problems. However, it is important to know this truth – God knows everything about you! He made you a unique person. He loves you with an unconditional love. He loves you not because of, but in spite of. He loves you because you are you! This is the time to believe that Jesus shares your sufferings. He desires to nurse your wounds and heal your broken heart! Remember, you are not alone. In tough times – wherever you are, God is!