About Us
How Beauty Inside Out Got Started
About the Founder

Cora M. White has served as a minister in the Body of Christ for over 35 years as an evangelist, writer, motivational speaker, and in many other areas. Cora attended Liberty Theological Seminary and she was active in the Singles’ Ministry as well as outreach ministries.
She was active as a community-activist. She was very involved in politics and worked with an inner city youth program in her home town, Pittsburgh, Pa. She was the coordinator of Women to Women Mentoring Outreach Ministry at her former church in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Cora moved to Portland, Oregon and worked with an at-risk youth agency. After residing in the Metro Atlanta Area, she was involved with Refuge Community Outreach and was a certified parent facilitator with a nationally recognized parenting program.
Cora was inspired by God to launch this women’s ministry. She is the founder and director of Beauty Inside Out Women’s Group, a non-profit outreach ministry, helping women discover the potential and true image in which they are created. Women are taught how to discover their inner beauty that transforms them physically, mentally and spiritually.
Her desire is to equip and train women with basic tools and resources to understand Biblical principles and concepts that will allow them to make practical application in real life situations. BIO Women’s Group is also designed to provide volunteer opportunities to outreach community-based programs that assist women facing difficult transitions or hardships in life to offer encouragement and support.
Cora and her leadership team seeks to help meet specific needs of organizations that have the same mission as our ministry and to help women discover their position in the Body of Christ, the home, the local church and in the market place. BIOW ministry is based upon Romans 12: 2, “Be transformed by the renewal of your mind”