It’s a New Season, It’s Time to Change Your Hat and Renew Your Mind
2025 New Year Greetings
This article delivers New Year greetings and discusses initiating the new year with a refreshed mindset and objectives.
Whoever you are, whatever you are doing, you need to know that this is a season for you to change your life and go for your dreams and purpose. King Solomon, one of the wisest men in history said, “There is a time and season for everything.” Yes, there is a time for everything. It’s a new season! It’s time for you to change your hat and renew your mind.
Let’s begin with knowing that everything starts with from the inside out. If you look at your life from the outside point of view you are letting your environment and circumstances control you. If you live your life from the inside out, this will let you take charge of your life. Imagine how it feels to know that you are a growing person born for greatness? Imagine how it feels to walk on your journey to self-discovery and have the power to change?
Also, you must remove the old to make room for the new as you enter a new season. As you enter this new season realize that it is time to discover your true potential. Your thoughts help you form your values and how you see the real world.
A proverb from the Old Testament says, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.”
Now, we will look at the different seasons. There are four seasons of weather in most parts of the world. Somewhat like the weather, there are different seasons in your personal life. Today we will look at only two seasons – winter and spring.
A Season to Wait
Consider the winter season in your life as a time of waiting. It can be a season when everything looks gloomy and difficult. It is a time of dealing with fear and dealing with rejection. Everything that you have had to face and deal with in the winter season has been for the purpose of revealing what is in you. However, I ask you to think of the winter season as a time of preparation and planning. It is also a time of being stretched. John Maxwell, best-selling author and speaker, said, “People and rubber bands have one thing in common: they must be stretched to be effective.”
When you feel like you are being stretched, think of the caterpillar! Image how the caterpillar must go the different stages of development before it can emerge into its true being! Visualize how the caterpillar must be stretched when each of the pieces of the former life are carefully torn apart and rearranged. Imagine how the caterpillar feels when it must grow to make room for a larger skin underneath its outer skin. The inside of this creature grows too large for its body and it is stretched until its body is split open because the old must go to make room for new. Just like the caterpillar, you must be stretched and have a complete makeover. You must get rid of the old and make room for the new.
Think about this – just when the caterpillar might think life is all over, it is really the beginning of a new life.
A Season to Change
However, the necessary changes must be made. After the caterpillar is stretched, its adult body is built. After all the necessary changes are put in place with an entirely different shape and behavior this is the time for the butterfly to come out of the cocoon. After the butterfly slowly wiggles out of the cocoon, it must wait until it is strong enough to fly.
The butterfly’s wings are limp and crumpled. Some butterflies will lay in the sun on a warm rock and will stay in the position where the sun will be most essential for sending warm energy to dry their bodies. It takes a few hours before the butterfly is strong enough to fly high into the air as the transformed beautiful creature it was created to become.
It is essential for the caterpillar to get strength from the sun to become transformed into its true potential. This is also the time for you to chose to let the sun shine brightly in your life. This is the time to let the glory of the Lord shine to reveal and empower you to discover your significance, your potential and your true image.
When it looks like your dreams are asleep or dead, take this opportunity to make the necessary changes. Start planning for spring. This means that it is time to change your hat!
However, before you put on your hat I must introduce you to your new boss. He will remind you that you wear several hats daily. Each hat represents the role that matches what you are thinking, saying or doing. You need to know how to develop the thinking skills that will help you know how to wear and change each hat at the right time. The name of your boss is your renewed mind. He is the one who will help you change your life if you listen to him. The choice is yours. You have the power to choose.
A Season to Refresh
Next, consider this – the winter is past. Spring is in the air. Spring is a time of refreshing after a long dreary winter. This is the season to let the sun shine in your life. Your renewed mind will reveal that the Lord is your light and the strength of your life.
Your renewed mind will help you remember the Scripture, Psalms 61:2, that says,
“…when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
Jesus is your rock and your stability. It is a new season! It is time to change your winter hat. Put on your spring hat. Your new hat will remind you that the dreams that seem to be dead are alive inside of you! Your renewed mind tells you that times are changing. It is a time to nourish your dreams. Tell those dreams that were sleeping to wake up! Also, know that you were born for greatness. You are to encourage others to discover their purpose and to reach out to touch the lives of people in their place of society.
Finally, remember that it is a new season. It is time to change your hat and renew you mind! This is the time to be transformed by the renewing of your mind according to Romans 12:2. This is the season to change your life, go for your dreams and learn how to fulfil your unlimited potential.