The Happy Hat
2025 New Year Greetings
This article delivers New Year greetings and discusses initiating the new year with a refreshed mindset and objectives.
Wearing many hats can be a challenge. Each hat represents the role that matches what you are thinking, doing or saying. Women need to learn how to heal, learn how to grow and develop the thinking skills to become like a quick-change artist and know how to wear the right hat at the right time. Therefore, it is in the best interest of every woman to take a good look at their selves from the inside out, decide to change the way they think and become the person they were created to be from the beginning of time.
You have so many life styles, so many needs and it is important to realize that you are an individual. You are not exactly like any other human in the world. Women wear many hats and sometimes become so caught up in their roles that they forget all the beautiful qualities that make them an individual. Sometimes you forget or do not know that you were wonderfully and beautifully made even before you inquired all the roles you display in your daily life. One of the greatest challenges is to like you and be happy! How can you be happy?
Women Wear Many Hats – Wear the Happy Hat
Wear a happy hat? What in the world does that mean? Before you can put on the happy hat the first thing you must do is to take a close look at you as an individual from the inside out. How do you take a close look at you from the inside out? Check out the way you think! The way you think is the first step to this exciting journey of self-discovery! Your self-concept of who you are and what you consciously or unconsciously think you are determines your actions because of what you believe about or do not believe about yourself. The Bible says it like this, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” You become what you think!
So, what do you think about yourself? How do you feel about yourself? How do you see yourself?
Recent research tells us that the majority of women and girls are unhappy with what they see in the mirror. Between 80% and 90%, some studies say even more, only 2% of women accept the way they look! A study of roughly about 1, 1000 American adults found that women are more likely than men to experience ongoing stress and feel that they are not happy with their life.
Women Wear Many Hats – What Do You See?
Women wear many hats, but what hat do you see when you look in the mirror? Every journey has a beginning. On every journey you must take the first step. The first step is to look in the Divine Mirror and consider what the truth is about you. The Divine mirror which is the Holy Bible will guide you. The Divine Mirror will help you choose the positive thoughts and help you throw all those negatives thoughts in the trash can where they belong. So, take off the negative-unhappy thinking hat, throw it in the trash can. Pick up the happy hat and start accepting the truth by looking in the mirror. Start saying every positive thought that has the power to make you a more healthy and happy person. Good and happy thoughts add joy to your life!
What is a happy hat?
What does it mean to wear a happy hat? Well, Romans 12:2 tells you to renew your mind and do not let society squeeze you into its mold and negative way of thinking. Can you image how it feels when you renew your mind daily by believing there is always hope? That is how you put on the happy hat.
You wear the happy- hat as you discover your role, your significance and begin to walk on the journey to your purpose and destiny. What would it mean to you to start your day wearing your “happy hat?” Women wear many hats, but make sure you put your happy hat on first.