Wear Your Woman of Influence Hat
2025 New Year Greetings
This article delivers New Year greetings and discusses initiating the new year with a refreshed mindset and objectives.
In spite of the belief of many people that women in the Bible were weak in the world with strong men, the Bible tells us about the many women of influence. The women of influence in the Bible were women who had the ability and strength to impress, sway, control, master, motivate, persuade, act to change, transform, guide, lead and make a difference in the world.
The same kind of influence is evident today among women all over the world who use their gifts and talents to lead and have a great impact in the home, the Body of Christ, the market place, society and the nations.
The question is not whether women have influence, the question is whether they chose to use their influence for good or evil? The question is whether they will use their influence for the Kingdom of God or attempt to exalt themselves by doing their own thing for their glory?
Know Who You Are
Let’s begin by knowing who you are as a woman so you can understand why God has chosen you to be a woman of influence.
The Bible gives the true and most important meaning of a woman’s identity and your place in society.
First, let’s take a good look at the woman from God’s point of view, so you can develop a sense of self-awareness and continue to develop your true identity.
According to the Bible a woman is be gentle, soft, delicate and also to be strong. Please know that according to the Bible to be strong is to have strength under control. The very word, woman, suggests she has a special God-given gift to be sensitive and emotional. She is to have a loving nurturing mother’s heart, and be a life-giver and be faithful. These gifts give her the ability to influence and serve mankind if these gifts are balanced by the Holy Spirit and is being transformed by the renewing of her mind.
It is important that the woman of influence know she is made in the image of God.
Men and women were created equal according to God’s plan. The woman is to be the man’s assistant and help mate. According to God’s plan, what the woman lacks, the man provides, what the man lacks, the woman provides. The two are equal in God’s eyes.
Know What Hat You’re Wearing
Now, you can begin your journey to self-awareness. You need a road map called self-description, for example, you need to ask yourself these questions: Who am I? What am I like? Where am I now? Where do I want to go? How will I get there? What are my values? In what areas do I need to improve?
To answer these questions, you must know that women wear many hats. Each hat represents the role that matches what you are thinking, saying and doing. Knowing what hat you’re wearing will help you have a keen awareness of how your behavior and decisions are driven by your emotions.
It’s time to wear your self-awareness hat and begin to know yourself. Learn that you first must develop the leader within you. You must embrace who God made you to be. This is very important because you did not only celebrate the month of Women’s History, but you will become a part of being the person of developing Women’s History for the women of today.
First, let’s take a journey in the life of one of the women in the Bible to see the hats she was wearing, how she influenced the world in her time in history and how we can learn from her.
We will take a look at Deborah and how she was a woman of influence.
Deborah was a woman of influence in the time of history when most women never became public leaders. She lived in a time when most people felt that men were more important than women. The women were expected to only be a housewife and mothers. However, there were some exceptions and Deborah was one of those exceptions.
Deborah wore many hats. She was a wife and homemaker. She was a prophetess. She was a judge. According to history she was the only woman in scripture that was elevated to a high political position by the consent of her peers and the only woman that ever judged a nation at that time in history. She was a warrior and she delivered her people from their enemies in the time of war. She was poetess and she was also called the mother of Israel. Womanhood was honored as she allowed herself to be used by God. She was a woman who did not rely on her own knowledge and strength. She turned to God for the solution. Her trust in God inspired others and she was a Godly influence to her nation.
Being a woman of influence involves women equipping women with the right tools to succeed and to develop the leader from the inside out according to Romans 12: 2. This involves asking God to give you the ability to recognize and understand your feeling, your emotions, how to handle stress and also understand your feelings, emotions as well as understanding others.
Know That You Have Influence
As Christians, you are called to influence others and improve daily. God is calling all Christians to be the best leaders and impact others. God has given you an emotional investment and He has called you out of the crowd to perform His assignment. You as a Christian Woman are to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, according to Romans 12: 2.
A daily renewed mind will guide your footsteps as you progress along the pathway of life and you reach out to others. Your renewed mind will empower you with God’s Holy Spirit and your Christ- like lifestyle will draw people to Christ. This will help you to wear your Hat of influence as an inspiring leader.
Wear your Woman of Influence Hat because God is calling Christians to influence others and give life and nourishment in the same way that water gives life in the desert. This is a great way to remember and celebrate our Women in History.
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