You Are Special – Because There Is Only One You
2025 New Year Greetings
This article delivers New Year greetings and discusses initiating the new year with a refreshed mindset and objectives.
You are special! Research as far back in history to the beginning of time, or dig as deeply as you desire in the incredible ancient, dusty archives of Homo Sapiens, Socrates or Plato, and you will not find another person like you.
Think about it!
There are nearly seven billion humans in the world. Your face, the shape of your nose and mouth, the way you tilt your head when you laugh, the sound of your voice, your smile, your manner of expression, your characteristics, your way of thinking, your likes and dislikes –everything about you is significant. You have an inner beauty unlike any other individual on the face of this earth!
There is only one you.
If the most brilliant scientists search the whole universe they would find only one individual like you! The great news – God the life giver, designed you to be special, highly valued and appreciated. You are designed to be a unique, distinct human being processing an inner beauty that could only be created by God Almighty, the God of the universe!
True beauty is not the outward appearance; it is the inward qualities that reflect your inner being. True beauty emerges when you do not let society squeeze you into its mold and its way of thinking. Allow your mind to reach a higher level of thinking. Renew your mind by believing there is always hope and you have been given the power from birth to change and grow mentally and spiritually. A higher level of thinking enables you to embrace the right environment to get in touch with your inner beauty.
Your challenges in life, your trophies or failures, your education or lack of an education, your career or lack of a career, your title, your neighborhood, nor your society does not define who you are. What people think or say about you does not define you.
Think about this! No other individual has the power to determine how you think or feel. No other individual has the power to determine who you really are or determine your outcome in life. You are the only person who has the power to choose to walk on the path to your purpose and destiny.
You have so many lifestyles and so many needs, therefore it is important not to let these challenges rob you of your true identity. You have the choice to discover your own uniqueness and individual self-worth as you study and apply Biblical principles to your life.
Three Things To Remember
Here are three things that will help you to remember that God created you to be special.
Self- acceptance. No one can do a better job of being you than you. You are of great value. You are to have a high regard for yourself and a sense of self acceptance. Liking yourself is essential to both life and survival. The Bible tells you to love your neighbor as yourself. This means to love and respect yourself so you can love others. Your self-image is the product of life experiences and attitudes! How you feel about behaviors and events are usually influenced by your family, other people, your environment, and your circumstances. However, you have the power to take responsibility for your own life and become friendly with you. When you do this, you can say, “I am who I am at this time in my life. I am me and I am okay with being me!”
- Keep a personal journal. Write about what is happening in your inner world.
- Quiet time is the most important part of your day. So, make time for it! Spend time with God devotionally. Nurture your inner being. Make quiet time for yourself. You deserve it.
Just remember, God has made your spiritual womb full with character, integrity, strength, and intelligence. You are pregnant with your own individually, self-worth, purpose, and destiny. As life is developed in the womb, your purpose and destiny is growing inside of you. It is being nourished in love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
There is only one you. Believe it! YOU ARE SPECIAL! ♥